• Scientists observe flattest explosion ever seen in space

    Updated: 2023-03-31 13:27:27
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Scientists observe flattest explosion ever seen in space March 31, 2023 University of Sheffield An explosion the size of our solar system has baffled scientists , as part of its shape similar to that of an extremely flat disc challenges everything we know about explosions in . space The explosion observed was a bright Fast Blue Optical Transient FBOT an extremely rare class of explosion which is much less common than other explosions , such as supernovas . The first bright FBOT was discovered in 2018 and given the nickname “the . cow” Explosions of stars in the universe are almost always spherical in shape , as the stars themselves are spherical . However , this explosion , which occurred

  • Deer blood kills bacteria that causes Lyme disease

    Updated: 2023-03-31 13:26:15
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Deer blood kills bacteria that causes Lyme disease March 31, 2023 University of Massachusetts As tick season kicks in across the country, the executive director of the University of Massachusetts Amherst-based  New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases  (NEWVEC and his team have completed research that offers a promising lead in the fight against Lyme . disease The study , published recently in the journal  Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases demonstrates that the blood of the white-tailed deer kills the corkscrew-shaped bacterium that causes Lyme disease , a potentially debilitating illness . The  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC estimates that each year

  • New nanoparticles can perform gene editing in the lungs

    Updated: 2023-03-31 13:16:10
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search New nanoparticles can perform gene editing in the lungs March 31, 2023 MIT Engineers at MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School have designed a new type of nanoparticle that can be administered to the lungs , where it can deliver messenger RNA encoding useful proteins . Credits:Image : iStock , edited by MIT News Engineers at MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School have designed a new type of nanoparticle that can be administered to the lungs , where it can deliver messenger RNA encoding useful . proteins With further development , these particles could offer an inhalable treatment for cystic fibrosis and other diseases of the lung , the researchers . say “This

  • Those who support Black Lives Matter tend to be less hesitant about vaccines

    Updated: 2023-03-31 13:12:33
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Those who support Black Lives Matter tend to be less hesitant about vaccines March 31, 2023 UCLA The concept for the UCLA study emerged from the idea that systemic racism and COVID-19 are interconnected “twin pandemics.” Efforts to encourage vaccination might do well to take advantage of the positive feelings and actions between different social groups , according to a study of attitudes toward vaccines among supporters of the Black Lives Matter . movement The study by UCLA , psychologists  published in the journal Social Science and Medicine, found that across all racial , ethnic and income groups , people who expressed support for the BLM movement were less hesitant about receiving

  • Rats! Rodents seem to make the same logical errors humans do

    Updated: 2023-03-31 13:11:40
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Rats Rodents seem to make the same logical errors humans do March 31, 2023 UCLA Animals , like humans , appear to be troubled by a Linda . problem The famous “Linda problem” was designed by psychologists to illustrate how people fall prey to what is known as the conjunction fallacy : the incorrect reasoning that if two events sometimes occur in conjunction , they are more likely to occur together than either event is to occur . alone Now , for the first time , UCLA psychology researchers have shown that this type of logical error isn†t the sole province of humans — surprisingly , rats seem to make the same mistakes . Their  study is published  in the journal Psychonomic Bulletin

  • Facial Nerve Surgeons Give Firefighter His Smile Back

    Updated: 2023-03-31 13:08:54
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Facial Nerve Surgeons Give Firefighter His Smile Back March 31, 2023 UC San Diego Steve Chafe , a firefighter for more than 25 years , is not taking anything in life , including a smile , for . granted Nearly five years ago , after finishing a 72-hour shift , his life changed . He couldn†t quite gather his thoughts he couldn†t read , and his speech was jumbled . An MRI identified Chafe had a transient ischemic attack . It also found something unexpected : a large tumor the size of a golf . ball “I thought I had cancer,” said . Chafe Chafe was diagnosed with a rare , benign and slow growing skull base tumor that affects nearby critical nerves . Approximately 3,000 people are diagnosed

  • Stressed plants emit airborne sounds that can be detected from over a meter away

    Updated: 2023-03-30 19:49:07
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Stressed plants emit airborne sounds that can be detected from over a meter away March 30, 2023 Tel Aviv University What does a stressed plant sound like A bit like bubble-wrap being popped . Researchers in Israel report in the journal  Cell  on March 30 that tomato and tobacco plants that are stressed—from dehydration or having their stems severed—emit sounds that are comparable in volume to normal human conversation . The frequency of these noises is too high for our ears to detect , but they can probably be heard by insects , other mammals , and possibly other . plants “Even in a quiet field , there are actually sounds that we don’t hear , and those sounds carry information,” says

  • MRI image of adult brain, with regions of cerebrospinal fluid overlaid in blue.

    Updated: 2023-03-30 19:37:21
    , . Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search MRI image of adult brain , with regions of cerebrospinal fluid overlaid in . blue March 30, 2023 PLOS ONE MRI image of adult brain , with regions of cerebrospinal fluid overlaid in blue . Researchers at Boston University , USA report that the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is linked to waking brain activity . Led by Stephanie Williams , and publishing in the open access journal  PLOS Biology  on March 30 th the study demonstrates that manipulating blood flow in the brain with visual stimulation induces complementary fluid flow . The findings could impact treatment for conditions like Alzheimer†s disease , which have been associated with declines in cerebrospinal fluid . flow

  • Ancient Graffiti Revealed in 3D Detail

    Updated: 2023-03-30 19:31:04
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Ancient Graffiti Revealed in 3D Detail March 30, 2023 Simon Fraser University SFU geography professor Nick Hedley . Photo Credit : Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University researchers are learning more about ancient graffiti—and their intriguing comparisons to modern graffiti—as they produce a state-of-the-art 3D recording of the Temple of Isis in Philae , . Egypt Working with the University of Ottawa , the researchers published their early findings in  Egyptian Archaeology  and have returned to Philae to advance the . project “It’s fascinating because there are similarities with today’s graffiti,” says SFU geography professor Nick Hedley , co-investigator of the Social

  • Boosting the body’s anti-viral immune response may eliminate aging cells

    Updated: 2023-03-30 19:23:41
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Boosting the body†s anti-viral immune response may eliminate aging cells March 30, 2023 Massachusetts General Hospital Aging , or senescent cells , which stop dividing but don†t die , can accumulate in the body over the years and fuel chronic inflammation that contributes to conditions such as cancer and degenerative . disorders In mice , eliminating senescent cells from aging tissues can restore tissue balance and lead to an increased healthy lifespan . Now a team led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital MGH a founding member of Mass General Brigham MGB has found that the immune response to a virus that is ubiquitously present in human tissues can detect and eliminate

  • Plug-in vehicle environmental benefits rely on market forces, public policy: Paper

    Updated: 2023-03-29 17:05:04
    , : Skip to content Menu My journey as writer Contact About Air Quality Matters Discourse for all interested in all things air-quality related Menu My journey as writer Contact About Plug-in vehicle environmental benefits rely on market forces , public policy : Paper March 29, 2023 Over the past decade , electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids have become increasingly popular , in part due to their perceived environmental benefits . But to what extent do reduced tailpipe emissions benefit human health and the climate According to a new paper by scholars at Resources for the Future RFF these vehicles provide sizable benefits determined by market forces and policy . conditions The paper , released today Jan . 3, 2023  assesses the climate and human health benefits of plug-in vehicles—a

  • You can find the flow – and scientists can measure it

    Updated: 2023-03-29 14:38:33
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search You can find the flow – and scientists can measure it March 29, 2023 Norwegian University of Science and Technology You know when you†ve found the flow . You experience it when you are doing something that engages you so fully that time seems to fly by . Maybe it’s a job , or something completely different , like chess or computer games or football or shovelling . snow But flow is not just an expression that people use . It has been a concept used by psychologists for almost 50 years , because finding the flow can be useful for . people “Finding the flow zone can be important when teachers have to adapt their instruction . If we find the flow , we†ve also found the right level for the

  • How to spot fake news through journalists’ use of language

    Updated: 2023-03-29 14:35:17
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search How to spot fake news through journalists†use of language March 29, 2023 University of Birmingham Grammatical patterns in language use can distinguish between real news and fake news stories – potentially helping those looking to combat disinformation , a new study . reveals A detailed linguistic analysis of the work of former New York Times journalist Jayson Blair , who left the newspaper after being found to have plagiarised and fabricated some of his stories , has established that there can be clear stylistic differences in the language of real and fake . news Published by Cambridge University Press as a book titled , The Language of Fake News , the University of Birmingham study by

  • Transportation noise increases risk for suicides

    Updated: 2023-03-29 14:33:23
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Transportation noise increases risk for suicides March 29, 2023 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Mental health disorders affect nearly one billion people worldwide and are a leading cause of suicide . In Switzerland , it is estimated that about 1.4 million people are affected by mental health issues and that approximately 1,000 people take their lives every year . Environmental factors such as air pollution or noise have been linked to adverse health effects such as cardiovascular diseases and general well-being . However , robust evidence on the effects of transportation noise on mental health disorders remains . scarce For the first time , researchers from Swiss TPH have now

  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT costs $100k per day to run; accelerators could help

    Updated: 2023-03-28 17:25:55
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search OpenAI’s ChatGPT costs 100k per day to run accelerators could help March 28, 2023 University of Illinois The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign The transformative changes brought by deep learning and artificial intelligence are accompanied by immense costs . For example,  OpenAI†s ChatGPT algorithm costs at least 100,000 every day to . operate  This could be reduced with accelerators , or computer hardware designed to efficiently perform the specific operations of deep learning . However , such a device is only viable if it can be integrated with mainstream silicon-based computing hardware on the material . level This was preventing the

  • The Greenland Ice Sheet is close to a melting point of no return

    Updated: 2023-03-28 13:21:00
    Skip to content Menu Our Bloggers Twitter Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search The Greenland Ice Sheet is close to a melting point of no return March 28, 2023 American Geophysical Union Much of the southern Greenland Ice Sheet , shown here , will melt irreversibly if we emit about 1000 gigatons of carbon , according to models in a new Geophysical Research Letters study . Credit : NASA GSFC The Greenland Ice Sheet covers 1.7 million square kilometers 660,200 square miles in the Arctic . If it melts entirely , global sea level would rise about 7 meters 23 feet but scientists aren†t sure how quickly the ice sheet could melt . Modeling tipping points , which are critical thresholds where a system behavior irreversibly changes , helps researchers find out when that melt

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